environment, Health & safety

With a strong commitment to environmental programs, we work to ensure minimal impacts on the sensitive and important eco-systems in our service areas.

health & safety
Through ergonomics, job safety analyses, PPE assessments, and more -- we provide solutions and training to foster a safe working environment.
World Environment Day
Learn about environmental issues from officials, regulators, environmental experts, and more on May 29, 2024 from 10 am - 2 pm.
EHS Commitment
The Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Department at the DRBA implements a proactive, holistic approach to all operational programs within the Authority. We develop robust programs based on field observations and regulatory compliance to ensure that our daily operations are aligned with best practices and latest scientific knowledge. We employ a realistic approach to being "good corporate citizens" and take pride in the relationships built with our customers, regulatory agencies and communities.
The DRBA conducts business in accordance with all environmental laws and regulations. Many of our service areas such as the Delaware River and the Delaware Bay are recognized environmental assets. These areas are important estuary systems as well as popular recreational areas. We are committed to ensuring our work has minimal effects on the natural environment and helps preserve them for generations to come.

areas of focus
Stormwater Quality
The DRBA has instituted several water protection initiatives at the Delaware Memorial Bridge and Cape May-Lewes Ferry. Ferry projects include stormwater drain guards and enclosed solid waste containers.
At the Bridge, the Authority maintains a MS4 Stormwater Permit (#NJG0155101) issued by NJDEP on Jan. 1, 2020 as part of The Clean Water Act. This permit and key features such as electronic outfall mapping and the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan can be seen here.

Spill response
EHS responds to all incidents involving hazardous materials (HAZMAT) throughout the Authority such as fuel spills, chemical releases, or trucks losing their cargo loads. We have strong relationships with responding agencies and response contractors to mitigate exposure to the environment and clean the area that was impacted. Each staff member has the appropriate training and skills to respond and manage the remediation.
With a strong commitment to recycling practices and education, the EHS Department actively participates in three levels of recycling efforts -- organizational recycling, initiatives that encourage public recycling and partnerships with local and regional recycling operations.

fall protection
The DRBA is involved in a multi-year project to install life-lines to protect employees from falling while working from heights at the airports, aboard ferries, or on our bridges. Life-lines for both both vertical and horizontal attachments are being installed.

In addition to compliance programs, EHS has capital projects to improve our existing systems such as:
- Upgrading paint and weld shops at the Delaware Memorial Bridge and Cape May-Lewes Ferry to more efficient systems that provide broader employee protection and greater capacity to manage work loads
- Installing EV charging stations at the Cape May ferry terminal similar to Lewes stations installed in 2015
- Upgrading recycling containers across the DRBA
- Improving a new waste management compactor at the Bridge

education & outreach initiatives

Tech Advisory Workshops
In 2020, the DRBA collaborated in discussions with three Delaware agencies to review greenhouse gas modeling projections and refine strategies to reduce emissions in the state.

Electronics Bulk Collection Days
Each year, the EHS team sets up bulk collection bins to collect electronic devices to help keep them out of local landfills and be repurposed through other means.

World Environment Day
Now in its fifth year, World Environment Day is celebrated in June at the DRBA for employees and the general public at rotating DRBA locations in New Jersey and Delaware. Learn more here.
green partnerships
We are an active member and support multiple green organizations including:
USEPA WasteWise Partner Program, Northeast Recycling Council , Association of New Jersey Recyclers, Passenger Vessel Association, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Wastewise Business Network, Cape May County Chamber of Commerce - Legislative and Environmental Regulations Committee, and DNREC-Recycling Policy Advisory Council.

PVA Green Waters Program
In 2019, the Cape May-Lewes Ferry was inducted in the Passenger Vessel Association's Green Waters Program in recognition of ongoing sustainability efforts

USEPA America Recycles Pledge
In 2020, the DRBA signed on to help the U.S. increase our recycling rate by 50% by 2030.

We're honored to have received these recent awards:
New Jersey DEP Rising Star Award for Airport Recycling Excellence - Oct. 2022; USEPA Waste Water National Partner of the Year - June 2022; New Jersey Clean Communities Council Rise to the Challenge Litter Abatement Award/COVID Donations - Nov, 2020; Cape May County Chamber of Commerce Environmental Excellence Award - Oct. 2020; Cape May County Municipal Utility Authority Recycling Leadership Award - May 2019; Northeast Recycling Council Environmental (NERC) Sustainability Leadership - Fall 2019; New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Recycling Excellence/Rising Star Recycling Award - 2018.
For More Information:
Silvana Dominioni, Director of Environmental Health & Safety
PH: (302) 571-6385
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