Meetings &
Commission Meetings
DRBA Commission and Committee meetings generally occur on the third Tuesday of each month and take place in the James Julian Boardroom, located in the Administration Building of the Delaware River and Bay Authority in New Castle, Delaware. These meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. Meetings are typically not held during the month of August.
In addition to the general Board meeting where official Authority actions take place, one or more of the following Committees may also meet to discuss matters pertaining to the DRBA: Audit and Governance Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Economic Development Committee, Personnel Committee, and Projects Committee.
Times are subject to change. Please see the currently scheduled upcoming meetings below. The agenda for individual meetings will be posted on this website at 3:00 p.m. the day prior to the meeting date.
Upcoming Meetings
ComMission & Committee meeting ARchive
From time to time, various public events are hosted at DRBA facilities particularly during the warm weather months. Below is a list of upcoming events.
Additional Links