Working @ The DRBA
Discover your next opportunitY
There's no one job, field, or career path at the Delaware River & Bay Authority (DRBA). As a robust transportation network connecting Delaware and South Jersey, we have jobs that range from finance to maintenance and law enforcement as well as transportation jobs in marine, bridge, and airport operations.
The DRBA is both independently operated and functions as a bi-state governmental authority. It is a great environment for people considering work in the public sector as well as those who want to test working in the private, non-profit sector. The DRBA fits both bills.
Take a look at what it's like to work in some of the many departments at the DRBA, and consider how you can bring your set of skills to work in the dynamic transportation sector where we work to fulfill our mission daily to "Connect the People and Places in the Heart of the Northeast Corridor." Then, keep your eye on our open jobs listing as new posts come up throughout the year.
Featured departments
The DRBA Police Department is a CALEA accredited agency committed to the highest standards of professionalism, crime prevention and public safety, New recruits have to successfully complete training in a Delaware State 10-week training program. Opportunities include work in k-9 corps, in marine safety, airport security and highway safety.

From HVAC to plumbing, road maintenance to building services and landscaping -- DRBA maintenance teams use and develop skills across the discipline. If you like varied non-desk work with solid benefits, DRBA's maintenance opportunities may be right for you.

Marine opportunities range from deck hands to ordinary seamen all the way up to Pilots, Mates, Engineers, and Captains. Some come to us with Academy or prior maritime work experience. Others start with us on land, or in food & retail positions and transfer into the marine force while learning on the job. Most work is seasonal, but the Cape May-Lewes Ferry operates year-round, and full-time positions are frequently available.

The DRBA operates five regional airports -- 3 in Delaware and 2 in South Jersey - -each with opportunities to experience different aspects of aviation management. Delaware Air Park, for instance, serves as the training center for Delaware State University's Aviation Programs, while Wilmington ILG provides commercial passenger service and Cape May Airport is an FAA, Federal Aviation Administration testing site .

department videos
Marine Crew
Types of opportunities

Full Time
Year-round employment in your desired field.

Part-time Casual
Reduced hour work weeks usually 20 hours or less.

Peak Season Casual
Work during a defined season, or period of weeks in a year.
Yes, We have internships
Most internships are for 10-week summer assignments with application deadlines usually in February. Summer paid internships can vary from engineering posts to marketing. A few interns have leveraged their experience to become full-time employees after graduation!
Other types of internships include Marine Academy short-term assignments during the academic year, and occasional winter internships in other divisions.
For more info:
Did YOu Know?
The DRBA employs nearly 600+ full-time and part-time
people throughout the New Jersey and Delaware region?